- Inspire Kindy Photos is operated by Stories To Inspire Photography Pty Ltd and shall hereby be referred to as Inspire Kindy Photos.
- I/we authorise Inspire Kindy Photos to arrange the photography in accordance with the details below. I/we are satisfied that these details are correct and I/we understand there is a three working day cooling-off period from the date of the signing this contract before the photography is commenced and for any orders placed.
- I/we have received, read and understand Inspire Kindy Photos’s price list, which has been confirmed for our assignment on payment of the deposit/ booking fee provided.
- The details and times listed here form part of this agreement and I/we agreed to make every effort to cooperate in order for Inspire Kindy Photos to fulfill its contracted photographic duty. I/we acknowledge Inspire Kindy Photos cannot accept responsibility for the ‘extent’ of the photographic coverage if these details are incorrect or if I/we chose not to follow the agreed to schedule.
- To avoid disruption to the photographic coverage and to allow Inspire Kindy Photos to fulfil its contractual duty; other photography by family/friends at this time is not permitted.
- I/we agree Inspire Kindy Photos owns the Copyright in all photographs. I/we give permission to Inspire Kindy Photos to use any image of our sitting for industry competitions and as required subsequent usage and for reasonable general promotional advertising for Inspire Kindy Photos. The usage for any other purpose is to be renegotiated between the parties and requires specific permission by us unless notified in writing withdrawal of consent to use.
- As Inspire Kindy Photos owns the Copyright, I/we agree not to copy, cause to be copied or allow anyone else to copy, photocopy, laser copy or computer scan these images. To do so is in breach of this agreement. I/we will use these photographs as agreed and understand they may not be copied or reproduced unless written approval is granted by Stories to Inspire Photography.
- Should nominated photographer not be available for any reason, Inspire Kindy Photos will notify the Client of the change as soon as it is known and provide another photographer with equivalent skills.
- As the photographs made by Inspire Kindy Photos are manufactured with the finest materials currently available, Inspire Kindy Photos unconditionally guarantees them. SInspire Kindy Photos does not take any responsibility for images printed through outsourced services unless referred by Inspire Kindy Photos.
- The negatives/digital files remain the property of Inspire Kindy Photos and will be kept on file a period of 30 Days.
- Inspire Kindy Photosshall carry out this assignment with due and professional diligence. Elements beyond Inspire Kindy Photos’s control include faulty material, equipment failure, damaged and exposed film, loss of film/photos/ negatives/digital files in transit between Inspire Kindy Photos and professional laboratories employed by Inspire Kindy Photos, loss or damage to film, negatives/ digital files and proofs during processing and developing either by Inspire Kindy Photos or professional laboratories employed by Inspire Kindy Photos, industrial disputes, civil disturbances, or weather conditions which may inhibit or prevent Inspire Kindy Photos completing in whole or in part this assignment. In this case Inspire Kindy Photos shall not be liable for its complete performance of the assignment. It is agreed that the liability of Inspire Kindy Photos shall be limited to be a refund of any money paid under this agreement, which shall be in full & final satisfaction of any damage or loss suffered.
Cancellations and Postponements – As your centre has hired us to work for a set date we are unable to allow postponements. If you cancel your order after we have already photographed your child no refund will be issued.
If you wish to postpone due to your child being sick or unable to attend you must arrange a time outside of daycare hours to attend a session at Rocklea to capture your child’s daycare images.
If your child is not in attendance at the day of your centres photography service there will be a on the day phone call, if there is no response you will need to arrange a out of centre session.
Inspire Kindy Photos hold the rights to editing techniques and styles. No special requests or alterations after final images are presented will be accepted.
As Inspire Kindy Photos is an outdoor photography company we cannot guarantee every image is the location or backdrop and will not redo images to match to an image that you prefer.
Your orders will be ready within 3 weeks of your centres session date, all images selected for your order will be selected by us at Inspire Kindy Photos. We have 11 years experience and know how to select the very best. Please note that not all images will be the same. Images are taken in a candid style in a area of the centre that best suits your child and their interest. This means that not all images will have the same background and lighting. Please keep this in mind and understand we photograph to suit your child’s interest and will not reshoot after your centres date if you prefer a different location or look, Image locations are final and selected by your child.
We also understand that images are taken outdoors and therefore the weather and elements are out of the control of Inspire Kindy Photos, who will do their best to work with the conditions provided for them however ultimately cannot control the weather.
All class photos will ONLY consist of those who have placed an order. If you have not placed an order then your child will not appear in the centre’s class images. I understand that not all images in the class photo will appear with the same background and will only consist of children who have placed an order.
We understand the terms and conditions set forward by Inspire Kindy Photos and understand there are many questions answered upon the website clarifying these terms and conditions.
We understand not all images will be alike and are held in different locations.

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