
Maternity sessions are such a precious time in ones lives to capture. Its moments that are so fleeting, for some that time is a miracle, other times it creates a self confidence that you weren’t aware you had. Its those moments where you feel your baby move for the first time, you form connections, you fall in love with someone you have never even met. Its a magical experience. 

We love capturing these moments for you, understanding just how special they are as mother ourselves. 

We specialise in Studio maternity session and are very well known for our butterfly effect shots with our gorgeous flowing material turning your photo, into art. 

Our studios both offer a large range of maternity gowns and materials to create those stunning images for you, and we encourage your whole family to be involved!

We are so very passionate about maternity session that when you book in a Newborn session, you receive a FREE maternity session, that’s how much we love them! 


Newborn sessions are, in our eyes, essential for every new mum. Those precious fleeting moments, those ever changing features, those quirky personality traits that start to show from so very early, its a time in your life that you will never be able to regain. 

Angie and Tracy are known to be baby whisperers, they will soothe, calm and pose your babies in the safest of ways, so you can sit back relax, and trust that your babies are in safe hands. 

Our two studios come fully equipped for all your babies needs including change table, microwave and even toys and entertainment for your older kiddies. 

Our focus come your newborn session is ensuring we capture all those tiny features that we know will change before your very eyes. those tiny little fingers and toes, those precious little lips, all those moments you know will change in a blink of an eye. 

We offer a full range of props and sets and will discuss with you before your session the perfect colour and style combination that will suit you and your home. 

Cake Smash

Its fast becoming time to celebrate your babies First birthday and you are sitting there wondering where the last 52 weeks have gone, how can your baby actually almost be one? How has there been so much change? and most stressfully, How will you celebrate?

Cake smash Sessions are the way to go! Bring your little one in to the studio and let them enjoy the fun that comes with a Cake Smash. 

Our photographers are creative and generous come your child’s cake smash set, they design each set personally and in a way that suits your desired outcome, you get to help select colours and themes, and our photographers will make that vision come to life.

Each cake smash session comes with a gorgeous portrait session of your little one, then its cake time and things get a little messy. When your little one has finished with their cake, its time for a nice warm bubble bath to wash all the sticky cake off, and of course get gorgeous photos along the way. 


Your baby has just been born and what seems like a minute later, they are smashing their milestones and changing so fast. This is why we always encourage you to photograph a milestone session. 

We know how fast the grow, change and gain those quirky personality traits and it is so hard to recall these details as time goes on, but by capturing a milestone session, we have it all frozen in time for you. 

These are the perfect chance for you to capture your little ones ‘crawling stage’ or even those first precious moments as your little one learns to sit. 

Across our studios we guarantee a gorgeous set designed especially for your little ones. We hand design them all to suit your little ones favourite themes, as well as colours and styles that suit your home. 

Family Session

Stories to Inspire Photography is all about being YOUR family photographer. From maternity to Birth, Newborn to Milestone, Cake Smash to Family, we can be by your side for it all. 

We love to capture your family for exactly what makes your family, yours. Those inside jokes, fun hobbies, and everything in between. 

We are passionate about ensuring parents are present in photos with their little ones, this is your story, your legacy, its your family!

Our sessions can be capture either in studio, or on location. 
We will also guide you for what to expect, what to wear and what style you have in mind. 


All those fleeting moments in life and then you find out your pregnant. Now we already know how fast life flies by and how memories can fade, and let me tell you something, you think memories can fade fast in general, wait until you experience labour. The adrenaline, the stress, the emotions, its all such an experience, and when people tell you that once labour is over, you forget the pain, It is true. But not only that, recalling the details is such a hard task to do also, which is why Birth Photography is so precious. 

Have us there to capture your birth, all those little moments, the moments your partner is in tears and you don’t realise it, the moment your baby is first introduced to the world and the overwhelming emotions. Its an experience you don’t want to msis capturing!